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Project "Swarm"

When they come: Run. My largest professional project to date - Top Secret.
Development Info

Dev Name: NDA

Development Time: Three months

Role: 'Kitchen Sink' Developer:

  • Producer

    • Technical Specs​

      • Rendering Budget​

      • Skews

    • Time Management

    • Team Management

    • Build (Milestone) Management

  • Quality Assurance Lead

    • QA Builds​

    • Tester Documentation

  • Designer

    • Gameplay Design​

    • Level Design

    • Enemy Design

    • UX Design

  • AI Scripting

    • Pathfinding​

    • Gameplay Tweaking

  • Technical Artist

    • 3D Art (UDP)

    • Collisions

    • Asset Placement

Key Responsibilities
  • Managing an incredible team of seven developers through a tight development period using the 'scrumm' framework.

    • Creating and Maintaining: Trello, milestones, sprint goals and scope.

    • Maintaining interpersonal relations with
      a diverse team from many different backgrounds, through an intense dev period.

  • Designing for our professional publisher Futurlab's specifications.

  • QA

    • Heading up the builds and technical documentation required for our QA team,
      as well as collating bug reports.

  • Level Design

    • Designing free-flowing, expansive levels that invoke tense, adrenaline filled chases against the enemy.

  • AI Scripting

    • Designing Enemies, their behaviours and pathfinding routes.

  • Technical Artist

    • Creating, sourcing and placing 3D assets & their colliders.

    • Working in-engine to produce URP Materials, a dynamic camera system and sweeping parallax effects.

Key Info

Details are under NDA. Contact me for full access.


My largest project to date:  "SWARM" was created in collaboration with Dundee based studio Futurlab. I fully produced and designed this proof of concept game over a short development cycle. The result was some of my best work ever - in no small part to the brilliant team I worked with.

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