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Parallel Processing

Two robots. One controller. A whole lot of spikes.
Development Info

Dev Name: UWUJam2022

Released: 2022

Genre: Puzzle

Engine: Unity 2018

Development Time: 48 Hours

Role: Artist, Designer, Programmer

Key Responsibilities
  • Concepting - I concepted the idea of two characters that could teleport between each other 

  • Level / Puzzle Design - I designed levels One, Four and Five

  • Art Design - I created the games Monochrome art style and assets

Development Goals

Theme - Mirrored: This game was created as a part of a gamejam me and my friends run called UwUJam. Essentially this jam was just made for fun in our own time. We randomly generated the theme Mirrored, which led to the design idea of two characters with identical controls but different abilities.


Designing Difficulty: Being a puzzle game, we aimed to set a reasonable difficulty curve that would show off our mechanics and make the player feel smart. Controlling two players are once isn't immediately intuitive to most, so we made sure to spend some time easing the player into the controls first.

Development Notes

Trial by Fire: On the third level we introduced the spikes which can kill the player. Not being used to controlling two players are once, the player will often jump up into the spikes. This is by design, allowing the player to learn from their mistake early on in the process.


Player Testing: Being a 48 hour game jam, we didn't have time to test the puzzles on other players extensively. When players finally got their hands on the game we were surprised to find that players found level 5 easier than level 4. While making the game, levels 4 and 5 were reversed, until we second-guessed the order and changed it - it just goes to show that sometimes your gut feeling is right.

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